Un puñado de notas sobre el libro de Paul Veyne (1988), Did the Greeks Believe in Their Myths? An Essay in the Constitutive Imagination . Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press. [Tr. Paula Wissing. Orig. Les Grecs ont-ils cru à leurs mythes? Editions du Seuil , 1983.] PAUL VEYNE [1930- ] is professor of Roman history at the University of Paris (College de France). A leading intellectual in France, where he is best known for his study of aristocratic power in ancient Greece and Rome, Le pain et le cirque , he is an editor of and contributor to A History of Private Life . His Roman Erotic Elegy: Love, Poetry, and the West is also published by the University of Chicago Press. «Igual que los matemáticos aseguran que el arco iris es una apariencia del sol tan abigarrada por el reflejo de sus rayos en una nube, así la fábula [ mythos ] relatada es la aparición de alguna doctrina cuyo significado es transferido por reflejo en alguna otra materia.» ("Sobre Isis y Os
Abre cien ojos, clava cien retinas, / esclavo siempre de los pavimentos (Alberti)